Melissa Tew

Name :
 Melissa Tew
Age : 33
Hometown : Edmonton, AB
What do you do full time :  Emergency Nurse & Fitness Instructor
Favorite way to stay in shape : Home Gym workouts, Group fitness classes, Getting outdoors with my poochy.
Hobbies / Favorite way to pass your time :  Fitness! Move your body!
Favorite cheat meal : ALL THE CHOCOLATE
If you could have any super power; what would it be :  I think I'd want teleportation, I'd love to get anywhere super quick
If you were stranded on a dessert island and you could only bring one thing, what would it be : Hmmm, I think I'd have to bring music!
What celebrity or role model would you want to meet :  I think maybe Anna Kendrick or Emma Stone, they'd keep me super entertained!
